Autosuggest – In Truth

Prepare to find yourself in a cold, metallic, detached environment. With just the vocals as your guide, you’ll be trying to find your way in the world of Sydney based producer Alec Mallia, better known as “Autosuggest”.

I love the atmosphere that is created in “In Truth”, the newest release of Autosuggest. Put those closed headphones on, folks. Turn up the volume. Close your eyes. This tune abducts you in a maze of sound with dark, deep synths and a pulsating slow beat. Plus an awesome distorted bass track. A perfect combination of handmade elements and the lifeless world of electro.

The production and mix of this production are a thing of beauty, but the effects used are sometimes really confusing. On the other hand, I love the fact that everything falls in place once you got used to the setting. Plus, the deep and almost monotone vocals are there for your guidance. It feels like an experience with mind altering substances – difference being that the music of Mallia is something that won’t get you in trouble if the police pulls you over. So, to sum it up: “In Truth” is something to experience, not just to listen to. What are you waiting for? Let’s get abducted, folks.

Autosuggest on soundcloud
Autosuggest on spotify
Autosuggest on facebook

Florian Maier

Owner of kms reviews. Drummer. Sound explorer. Music enthusiast. Critic. Writer. Husband. Father. All stacked up in 1.88 m, 84 kg.
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